Adventures in DC

Back in May I went to visit my sister in in one of my favorite cities, Washington D.C.! Growing up in Southern New Jersey, I have been to D.C. many times in the past, but I always love having the chance to get down there for a few days. I decided to document my trip on the blog for everyone in the hopes that I can inspire you to take a trip of your own. There are so many things to do, whether you are interested in history, politics, shopping, sightseeing, or just enjoying some really great restaurants. Keep scrolling to get a peak into some of the things I did when I visited!
Renwick Gallery
One of our first stops of the weekend was to the Renwick Gallery. The Renwick is an amazing art gallery located on the same street as the White House, making it the perfect place to knock out two birds with one stone! The installations in the museum were unlike anything I had seen before. You were able to get up close and personal with them, making the experience that much more amazing.
After the Renwick Gallery, we headed over to the Smithsonian, taking in some of the sights along the way. I am a bit of a museum nerd, and will openly admit that I booked this trip with the sole purpose of wanting to go to the museums. The last I had been to the Smithsonian was in high school, so I was due for another visit! You can make an entire trip out of the museums in D.C.
United States Botanic Garden
After going to the Renwick and some of the museums of the Smithsonian, my sister and I headed to the U.S. Botanic Gardens. I had never been before and it was the most beautiful day for us to walk outside amongst all of the flowers. At this point in the day, we had walked about half of D.C., and I was getting tired. You can see below that I had to take a little break :).
Next on the itinerary was Georgetown. Georgetown is arguably one of my favorites places to go to. There are so many quaint little streets with the best architecture and the most charming houses. Not to mention the shopping here is top notch! There is everything from high end designer stores to the more affordable ones as well. I stumbled on the Cuyana pop-up shop, where I bought a new wallet. I featured this wallet on one of my previous posts, Monday (Navy) Blues , if you want to check out the brand!
Aside from the shopping and being completely picturesque, Georgetown also has some amazing restaurants! One great restaurant to try is Farmers, Fishers, Bakers. This restaurant is linked with Founding Farmers in D.C., which is one of my favorite restaurants, not just in D.C., but pretty much of all time. Another must stop food destination is Georgetown Cupcakes. The cupcake company was founded right in Georgetown, but be warned that there is always a line out the door and around the corner
Dinner at Kapnos Kouzina in Bethesda
Lastly, my parents and grandma drove down from N.J. to spend some quality time with us as well. It is rare to have all of us together in the same place, so we celebrated as we always do by having an amazing dinner filled with lots of laughs, conversation, and of course wine! We went to Kapnos Kouzina, which is actually located in Bethesda, Maryland. Even though it is a little bit outside of D.C., it is well worth the drive. I grew up with my Popou (Greek for grandfather) cooking for us, so we are extremely picky as a group when it comes to Greek restaurants. This place was incredible though! We all literally rolled out of the restaurant we were so full.
So there you have it! I covered very little when it comes to all of the things that you can do in D.C., so if anyone has additional questions don't hesitate to reach out and ask! I've been going to visit there since I was 11. Between my frequent trips and my sister living there, I am full of recommendations for you!
Mackenzie Lee