Swim Season

Is there any place better than the beach during the summer? In my opinion there isn't. I learned to swim at the young age of two and grew up spending my summers at the beach in NJ. To say that I am in love with the ocean is an understatement. Since moving to Boston, I have only made it to our beach house in NJ twice. I also have not spent more than a couple of days in succession at the beach, due to working full time. With that being said, I was so happy when my family rented a house in Chatham, MA for the week of my birthday this year. A full week of the sun, ocean, no work, and wearing some of my favorite suits....keep scrolling to get a peak at some of my well spent beach time!
When it comes to swimsuit season, I am not really a fan of bikinis. I think they are great for other people, but for myself, I like to be a little more covered. I feel much more confident and comfortable in a full piece or a high waisted bathing suit over a bikini any day. If I would have told my sixteen year old self that I would one day feel that way, I would have thought I was crazy. But alas, I do not think I have spoken truer words. In this post, I am wearing two of my favorite bathing suits, including both of the aforementioned silhouettes.
Both of the suits I am wearing in this post are on the older side, so unfortunately I can't tell you where to get the exact ones. However, I took this misfortune as an opportunity to share a bunch of great bathing suits at all different price points. This way you all win, with plenty of amazing options to choose from! Check out below to see some of my favorites! (You can shop each bathing suit directly by clicking on the photos)